
Solo exhibitions

1969 Little gallery, Pardubice

1973 Galerie DH, Ústí nad Labem

1977 Gallery Jilská, CSOZ, Prague

1980 Gallery Zentrum, Vienna, Austria

1981 Hogarth Gallery, Sydney, Australia

1982 University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

1983 Woollahra Art Gallery, Sydney, Australia

1984 University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

1989 The Fiveways Gallery, Sydney, Australia

1991 Schwarzenberg Palace, Prague

1992 Gallery K, Prague

1994 Gallery K, Prague

1995 Gallery Vyšehrad, Prague

1996 Gallery R, Český Krumlov

1997 Gallery Nový svět, Prague

1998 Gallery Gema Art, Prague

1998 Mánes Gallery, Prague

1998 House of Art, Opava

1999 Gallery JNJ, Prague

2000 Czech Culture Centre, Vienna, Austria

2000 Slovak Culture Institute, Vienna, Austria

2002 Millennium Gallery, Prague

2002 Gallery Ztichlá klika, Prague

2003 Gallery Peron, Prague

2004 Czech Culture Centre, Brussels, Belgium

2004 Factory. Kunsthalle, Krems, Austria

2005 Gallery Beseda (with Stanislav Tůma), Prague

2007 Gallery Aventin, Prague

2008 National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague - Klementinum

2009 Gallery of Fine Arts, Most ČR

2010 Gallery G Olomouc

2011 Gallery Peron, Prague

2012 Gallery La Femme, Prague

2013 M. A. Bazovský Gallery, Trenčín

2013 Gallery of Modern Art, Roudnice

2014 Gallery Montmartre, Prague

2017 Gallery Gema Art, Prague

2017 The exhibition halls of the Municipal House, Prague

2019 Exhibition Halls and Winter Refectory of Strahov Monastery, Prague

Selected group exhibitions:

1976 Confrontation, Prague.

1984 Manly Art Gallery, Sydney, Australia

1984 Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

1985 Balmain Art Gallery, Sydney, Australia

1993 Chrasten, Prague - Vyšehrad.

2001 About People, Czech Museum of Fine Arts, Prague.

2002 Czech Comics and Art, Czech Museum of Fine Arts, Prague.

2003 Sport in Czech Art, Municipal House, Prague.

2004 Folklorisms in 20th-century Czech Art, Czech Museum of Fine Arts, Prague; Gallery of Fine Art, Cheb; Gallery of Fine Art, Hodonín (2005).

2006 Next Stop Arcadia, Gallery of Modern Art, Roudnice nad Labem; Landschloss Pirna-Zuschendorf, Germany.

2008 Exoticisms in 20th-century Czech Art in Bohemia and Moravia, Czech Museum of Fine Arts, Prague; Gallery of Fine Art, Hodonín; Gallery of Fine Art, Cheb; East Bohemian Gallery, Pardubice.

Exhibition catalogues

Jan John Šafránek, Obrazy 1970-1991 / Paintings 1970-1991, catalogue accompanying the exhibition at Schwarzenberg Palace, Prague, text: Karel Holub, Ars Bohemica 1991.

Jan Šafránek, Obrazy a kresby / Paintings and Drawings, catalogue accompanying the exhibition at the Mánes Gallery and the Gema Art Gallery, Prague, text: Jan Kříž, Gema Art 1998.

Jan Šafránek, Svět lidí / The World of People, catalogue accompanying the exhibition at Aventin Palace, Lajka Production, Prague 2007.


Kroutvor Josef, Kavárny a bary Jana Šafránka (The Bars and Cafés of Jan Šafránek), Revolver revue, Prague 1996.

Šafránek Jan, Exotika (Exotica), album of 24 original prints. Accompanied by a poem in prose by Ivan Wernisch, epilogue by Richard Drury. Solín Publishers, Prague 2000.

Jan Šafránek, Svět lidí, The World of People, published by Gallery, Prague 2008.

Jan Šafránek, The Colourful World of People, published by Gema Art, Prague 2017.

Represented in numerous private and public collections in the Czech republic and other countries

North Bohemian Gallery of Fine Art, Litoměřice

the Gallery of the Central Bohemian Region, Kutná Hora

National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague

Benedikt Rejt Gallery, Louny

Museum of Czech Literature, Prague

Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava

Gallery of Modern Art, Roudnice